Partners & Sponsors

We would like to give a huge thanks to our partners, without whom this festival would not be possible. From the ground all the way up to the top, these friends constitute the invaluable support system the festival is built upon.

We acknowledge the financial support of FACTOR, the Government of Canada and of Canada’s private radio broadcasters. This project is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Gouvernment of Quebec, Ville de Montréal, Canada Council for the Arts, SODEC and le Conseil des arts de Montréal. 

Principal Partners

Public & Institutional Partners

Private Partners

Media Partners

Eco and Social Responsibility

Festival Partners

Travel & Accommodation Partners

Art POP Partners

Film POP Partners

Kids POP Partners

Marché des Possibles Partners

Puces POP Partners

POP Symposium Partners

Thank you!

Interested in becoming a Sponsor?

Send an e-mail to our Director of Brand Partnerships